Vicks is holding a contest that all of the mom's out there can relate to!
Share your Story in a Video
Who was there for you when you really needed comforting? Whether you were sick, feeling down, or just needing a hug, we want to hear your tribute to the person who cared for and comforted you.
*You could win a 10,000 comfort getaway!*
Create a tribute video and tell your story about a time when you felt really comforted or cared for. Tell us who that person was and what they mean to you. Enter your video for an opportunity to win a Comfort Getaway.
Contest * finalists will be revealed February 29, 2008 , and then voting will begin. The video with the most votes will receive a $10,000 Comfort Getaway* for two at the luxurious Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, and more. Learn more about the grand prize, first prizes, and second prizes .
See below for a few sample video tributes as well as full contest details
Pay tribute to a friend or loved one. Send a Vicks Tribute Card to the person who was there to care for and comfort you. Click here to begin.
Here is the best part! To help spread the word Vicks is offering a prize pack to my readers in exchange for your help getting the word out! Help spread the word and you have a chance to win a fabulous gift pack from Kielhs ! One winner will win a Kielhs Delights Gift Pack.
Enter to Win :
- Leave a comment on this post. Go visit Vicks Caring Tribues. Tell me who you would nominate to win and why. (Please note you do not need to enter the Vicks contest in order to be eligible for this one!)
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you (be it leave me your email address on the post if you don't want to leave it in the comment.
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- NonBloggers - Email five of your friends about this contest and cc: me at angelaandconnor at (I'm not so sure about using this method in later contests so let me know if you like it or not
- Winner will be drawn by random drawing from all eligible comments. Winner will receive a Keihl's Gift Pack as shown above!
- This contest will end at midnight Jan 18th!
This contest is being hosted by M80 & Vicks!
My grandma. The little things. When I would be riding in the car with my grandparents she'd reach her hand back and hold mine. Her hands are the thing I remember most about her. I can still picture them visibly. She was a breast cancer survivor for over ten years but she lost the fight in 2002.
Well, of course I would nominate my mom, but I'm not sure I could make a video about it. I'll have to think about that.
awesome giveaway!! it would be my BF, we have been friends since age 5. Now were hoping our daughters will share the smae bond we have!!!
thanks so much
My mom. Even though she knows how to press my buttons, she is also the one who knows how to make me feel better. Still!
Hm... since I nominated the obvious (my mom) on your other blog, I am going to go with my sister on this one. Even though she's a single mom, managing all of life's details/struggles/so on, by herself - she manages to care for her friends and her daughter - all ahead of herself.
And I blogged it here:
- Sarah
sarah.barnett (at) gmail (dot) com
Wow...2 contests!!! So awesome!! How do you get such wonderful opportunities?
I'm reposting this from your other contest. I hope that is ok!
I would have to nominate my mother. Even to this day she is truly my best friend. She sacrificed and did everything she could to ensure that her family was taken care of. She has always been there for me through the laughter and the tears. She was and is my role model for what it means to be a woman and a mother.
If I get a chance to blog about it I'll email ya!
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
It would be my mom. Or my father. But I don't think I am good at making videos. Video or none, they take good care of their children and they deserve all my accolades.
BTW, I blog about you here.
My hubby- I lost my job 10 months ago and havent found another. Great guy that he is- he works seven days a week for us. This makes me feel better that we are in this together.
I'd nominate my daughter. She's having a difficult time right now and could use a pick-me-up.
I would nominate my Mom because she really deserves it.
I would nominate my mom. I can still remember her sleeping on the floor by my bed when I was sick. I also remember the vicks on the chest and the hot water bottle to keep me warm.
I'd nominate my Mom - she's always been there for all of us.
deborahrosen900 at hotmail dot com
i would nominate my granddauhter.
I would nominate my cat. When I was a single parent of 5 young children and deathly ill. He was always there for me to comfort me.
I would nominate my best friend. She is there for me anytime I need her and for other around her. We all know we can count on her 24/7.
I would nominate my girlfriend.
Definitely my mom, for many of the same reasons others have mentioned. She helped me and continues to help me throughout my life.
Jasmine is a favorite scent of mine.
I nominated my husband elsewhere but I would have to go with my oldest daughter. When I was sick for a couple of years and she was 10, she stepped up and helped tremendously with her baby sister and the house. I will always remember how much she did for me during that scary time in my life.
it would be my parents! Both of them :) I can't choose!
I would nominate my hubby because he's been there through everything and has been a constant source of support no matter what. He's the best.
I'd nominate the best husband in the world
My daughter is my winner.
My sweet, almost-two-year-old daughter is already a great caregiver! If anyone near her sneezes, she's at their side in a second to say, "Blech you!" (We're working on enunciation.) If you pretend to cry by saying, "Boo hoo!," she'll come running to give you a big hug and gentle little pats on the back. If you tell her you aren't feeling so good, the look of genuine concern on her little face is more healing than a million cold tablets. I couldn't ask for a better caregiver than my smiling little girl.
Thanks for letting me say that. :) marie (at) wordsculpture (dot) com
I would nominate my brother, ever since his wife left him, he's been trying to make ends meet and raise three young girls.
my hubby
My husband's grandma raised her grandchildren when their mother could not. She is a wonderful candidate for this contest.
I proudly nominate my friend Carol who I have known for the past 18 years. I lost my job a few years ago and fell on hard times and she was always there for me when I needed her to listen, or give advice. In my darkest days her love and support is what got me where I am today. I am now happily employed and am actually working a job that I am most passionate about, but would not have been able to get to the place I am now had it not been for Carol.
my dad who has been a silent source of comfort and strength all my life.
My wife
I would nominate my mom because she cares a lot to put up with me
yadgirl (at) chartertn (dot) net
I would nominate my mom, who has spent her entire life selflessly giving to others.
My mom! For too many reasons too list.
Email: sfraser6 at dal dot ca
Myself, because Ilove people and do all that I can for them.
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